
Prompt 1: Knowledge Mapping

Prompt 2: Accessing to restricted content

Prompt 3: Diagramming

curl --location 'localhost:5000/concept-map' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--data '{
    "prompt":"In summary, both Amazon DynamoDB and Apache HBase define data models that allow efficient storage of data to optimize query performance. Amazon DynamoDB imposes a restriction on its item size to allow efficient processing and reduce costs. Apache HBase uses the concept of column families to provide data locality for more efficient read operations. Amazon DynamoDB supports both scalar and multi-valued sets to accommodate a wide range of unstructured datasets. Similarly, Apache HBase stores its key/value pairs as arbitrary arrays of bytes, giving it the flexibility to store any data type. Amazon DynamoDB supports built-in secondary indexes and automatically updates and synchronizes all indexes with their parent tables. With Apache HBase, you can implement and manage custom secondary indexes yourself. From a data model perspective, you can choose Amazon DynamoDB if your item size is relatively small. Although Amazon DynamoDB provides a number of options to overcome row size restrictions, Apache HBase is better equipped to handle large complex payloads with minimal restrictions."